Thursday, January 27, 2011

A day as a stay-at-home mommy

I decided to document my entire day with my son.  This is a typical day for us, and it's no wonder I'm always
exhausted at the end of the day!

6:30 am -- Nursed.  Nicholas fell asleep, so I took the opportunity to sleep too!

10:15 am -- Nursed.  Changed poo-poo diaper.  Played in bed with Tick.

11:00 -- Played in swing with links.  Played on couch with books.

11:30 -- Played in bouncer while Mommy took shower.

12:00 -- Played on floor with kitchen and monkeys while Mommy prepared lunch.

12:15 -- Lunch: Avocado and Rice Cereal

1:00 -- Nursed.  Got dressed for the day.  Played with crib toys.

1:30 -- Cried.

2:00 -- Played in highchair with Sophie and cup while Mommy ate lunch.

2:25 -- Napped.

2:55 -- Nursed.

3:30 -- Ran errands with Mommy. 

4:30 -- Played on floor.  Practiced sitting up and crawling.

5:30 -- Played in highchair with cup while Mommy cleaned the kitchen.

5:40 -- Played in jumper.

5:50 -- Daddy got home!  Welcomed Daddy!

Hard to picture, right?  Well, I will document with pictures too!

Good morning!

Getting my diaper changed!

Hello, Tick.

Getting a little crawling practice in before getting up for the day!

I swing while Mommy drinks much needed coffee!

I love my books!

Uh-oh!  I hear running water.  Time to wail while Mommy showers.  ; )

Mmmm, avocado is good!

All done!

Dressed and ready to play some more.

I feel so much better after a good cry!

I guess I'll let Mommy eat lunch now!  ; )

All this playing has made me tired.  Naptime!

At Walmart picking up fish and Valentine's Day cards.

Practicing my sitting skills!

I love playing with my toes!

 On the move.

On the move again!

I hear Daddy!!


  1. I love the "Cried" timeframe. Oh, Nicholas!

    He's so big now!

  2. Baby, this is just keeps getting better and better, I'm loving it everyday !!!!!!!!!!!!! you are just an AMAZING Mother honey... and am proud to be your husband and a daddy. THANK YOU !!!

  3. 5 Things I love about this post:
    1. I have been checking your blog frequently and am so happy for an update.
    2. He is more handsome than ever (as if that is possible). How did he get so big!!!
    3. The peek-a-boo picture of him at Walmart. That is an awesome carseat cover!
    4. That you don't get a shower until 11:30 or get lunch until 2:00--I'm not the only mommy with a schedule that works around the kiddos.
    5. You are going to have a crawler soon - WOW! where does the time go - get out those running shoes to keep up ;).

    Thanks for the update and picts =)

  4. Love love love it! He is amazingly adorable! He doesn't nap much.
